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Topic: Happiness Ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with
03:35am, Monday 17 Nov 2003
Song of the Day: The Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love

I heard this song whilst I was out last night and it was the catchiest thing I'd heard in ages - apart from that disgraceful Rachel Stevens song I keep singing. The funny thing is, its really old news (80s I think).. which just goes to show some songs don't age or lose their appeal.

Its been a busy few weeks. Every Sunday afternoon, hungover and feeling like crap I swear to anyone in my immediate vicinity that I am NOT going out next weekend. I swear it. I can't afford it anyway. Never happens.

But hold on, let me backtrack a minute.

My happiest moment in recent times was getting myself down to the Powderfinger concert with ultracool Liz, the boy magnet. The best thing of all was that Jebediah were supporting. Come on Aussie, come on! How bloody brilliant, I was almost beside myself when I read that. In reality though, Jebediah were a little crap due to the fact that they were leaving for Amsterdamn the next day, no doubt. Powderfinger were absolutely brilliant.. opening with "Waiting for the Sun" (one of my personal faves) Bernard and the crew rocked the Shepherd's Bush Empire to the ground. Unfortunately, we were nowhere near the mosh pit much to my dissapointment, but we were still able to get up and do that weird rock dance thing which entails flailing your arms around and rocking up and down on the balls of your feet.

They played a great set.. my only dissapointment was that they didn't play "Up & Down & Back Again".. but perhaps this was a good thing. For encore, they played "My Happiness" which brought the house down.. and I swear, I was so happy I could have burst and although it was more than a week ago, I don't think I've come down from it yet. (Much to the annoyance of my workmates!)

After that stellar evening, things have been pretty much full on. I think its the lead up to the silly season. Whatever the reason, my liver has officially walked out on me and I think my immune system may not be far behind. I can't help it - its a natural inclination to keep up with everyone else.

Last night was a big night. Went out with Toby and his lovely girlfriend (am I allowed to say that?) Carrie. The night was a bit unusual in that I don't normally ask Toby to pick somewhere to go out cos we have such different tastes in music. But I was in a strange mood after mentally slapping myself for flirting with my boss (a whole other story that I can't tell here but you can probably guess... have been seduced by informality of messaging medium) and thought it best to get out and stop beating myself up about it. So we met at this cool pub near Highbury Corner called the Hope & Anchor and that placed rocked. OK, so I was half pissed before I got there (this girl has a budget, ya know!) and the world was beautiful and I had those "I'm in love" bliss bubbles, even though I'm not. (What the hell is THAT about?) Actually.. I've been on top of the world for the last week or so. Could the hackysack which accidentally clocked me in the head at work have hit something vital?

Anyway.. I digress. So I get to this pub and I get a drink and whatever, and the Buzzcocks song plays. In my inebriated state I'm thinking its the best thing I've heard in years, but I had no idea who it was or what it was called. I look around the bar, and theres this group of guys standing around, and one of them is singing along to this song. So I go up to him. Me. The shy, retiring snowflake. (Oh shut up, you know I am!) I ask him who it is, whats it called etc. And to my surprise, he didn't glare at me and yell "social pariah!". He didn't know the answer to the question either.. but still. It was a huge boost of confidence and the world looked just that little less scary. Bizarre what some people find raises their self esteem.

Anyway, Toby and Carrie show up so we walk down the road to this club called The Garage. It looked dubious to me, and it cost a fiver to get in, and I didn't want to blah blah blah but I did cos I couldn't be arsed getting the tube to Camden to go to somewhere I'd been before. Last night was about trying new things.

We go in, and the Stones are playing. I'm like hmm.. not good. We get a drink, sit down and then some decent music plays. I can't remember what it was - I think it might have been Nirvana.. but whatever it was, I knew this was my kind of place. The dance floor was heaving, everybody was having fun, the music was fucking excellent (most of the time). White Stripes, Nirvana, The Breeders, Veruca Salt, Dandy Warhols, The Hives.. it was happening. Toby and Carrie were sufficiently loved up that I felt like the third wheel, so I hit the dance floor. On. My. Own. Unthinkable!

I danced my arse off. Single girl dancing is cool - everyone talks to you. Groups open up, guys are friendly, chicks are relieved that you're on your own. Everyone wins. And when you get tired .. (and here's the best bit)... you go to the side of the dance floor where there are (inevitably) guys sitting down looking folorn because they're not drunk enough to actually unleash their uncoordinated bodies on the public.. and you make them get up. I don't mean you physically nag, if someone doesn't want to dance theres nothing more annoying than someone else trying to drag them up, but a big smile or a cheeky wink and some "up, up!" hand movements were really all I needed. Cute, not cute, geeky, laddish, it didn't matter.. I picked two and made it a mission for them to get up and dance. I was feeling loved up and happy (and not drunk anymore, strangely enough) for no particular reason and I wanted everyone to be as happy, if not more. I should work for the UN. :)

It started getting on 3am and nearer to closing time. They'd played so many of my favourite songs, and I'd jumped, moshed, flailed around with little grace or coordination and I had the time of my life. It was time to call it a night. Of course.. with all this good feeling with skin glowing and a million watt smile, you can't help but get noticed by the male population. Thats the secret.. look blissfully happy and you will be. Bizarre. Anyway, I did meet a baby faced cherub by the name of Richard who currently has my phone number.. but who knows. And if he doesn't call, well.. theres always next weekend. The one I'm not going out on :)

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